Dyadic models of care have the power to transform the way in which pediatric primary care is provided to and experienced by families. Successful implementation and uptake of dyadic service models require attention across these key areas:
We provide a range of services that meet your practice transformation needs towards successful implementation, uptake, and sustainability of family-centered, dyadic approaches to pediatric health care.
Comprehensive and intensive training and technical assistance services support organizations to build capacity, implement, and sustain dyadic models of pediatric primary care. Starting with an analysis of your organization’s needs, we build a team that works alongside you engage stakeholders, develop service, workforce, and sustainability strategies, support clinical informatics, and develop financing infrastructure to ensure your investment is sustained.
Learn MoreConsultation services support organizations that need guidance across the key ingredients or targeted technical assistance in one of them. Examples include guidance with developing and interpreting needs assessments, support with stakeholder liaison and engagement, such as with managed care plans and healthcare leadership, and strategy to support culture change towards team-based, family-centered care.
Our team of dyadic and infant/early childhood development and mental health specialists and reflective supervisors, public health administrators, and health care workers possess a range of expertise to meet your organization’s education and training needs. We facilitate learning collaboratives, individual and group-based reflective consultation, group-based trainings, and dyadic clinical care observation experiences to support workforce development in dyadic, early childhood health promotion and prevention. Recognizing the wealth of expertise in infant/early childhood mental health and development, dyadic care, healthcare administration, and Medicaid finance that exist within California and beyond, we can also help to connect you with partner organizations with specific expertise to meet your training needs.
Our mission is to support the scale of dyadic approaches to pediatric primary care so that all California children and families have access to critical family-centered health promotion and prevention services. We have cultivated a resource library of publicly available materials to support uptake and sustainability of these models of care. These include the evidence base for the success of dyadic care delivery models, expert partners in this work, financial sustainability resources, education and workforce development resources, sample workflows and more. In addition, details about public webinars and drop-in information sessions provided by our team or our partners is also publicly available here.
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